Category Archives: Homosexuality

Kelly Ripa’s Son Was So Over-Exposed to Homosexuals Getting ‘Married’ that He Thought Normal, Heterosexual Marriage Might Be Illegal — She Tells GLAAD

LINK: Kelly Ripa is in the news is for something that is–from an eternal Truth perspective–far less significant and newsworthy than the heart-breaking story below. Because this story involves the moral and spiritual confusion of a boy raised in a … Continue reading

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Jewish security patrol trio accused of beating gay black man likely to avoid prison

Chaim Amalek writes: “Old Cossack joke about America: In America, the Hassids beat YOU! I just want all of your liberal goy readers to know that Judaism is actually very tolerant when it comes to gays. By which I mean … Continue reading

Posted in Hasidim, Homosexuality, New York, Shomrim | Comments Off on Jewish security patrol trio accused of beating gay black man likely to avoid prison

Birthday Cake Hate Hoax Crumbles, But Without Legal Consequences

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Since when did Black churches accept openly LGBT pastors? I blame it on the crossdressing Madea films. * He acknowledged his actions, but did he actually apologize? He sounds mentally unstable: “For me, it was … Continue reading

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Quarter of ‘straight’ young women admit to having a same-sex fling while HALF believe gender isn’t ‘fixed’ – thanks to celebrities being open about their experiences

Human beings tend to be conformist, and women particularly like to conform to whatever is considered socially acceptable. As same-sex gets increasingly positive media coverage and criticism of homosexuality becomes socially unacceptable, more people, particularly women, experiment with it. Daily … Continue reading

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There Seem To Be A Lot Of Gay Jewish Men

Twice as many proportionally as among the goyim, it seems. Charles writes: Do some ethnic groups have more homosexuals than other ethnic groups? Of course not everyone will agree with him on the issue of homosexuals being “smarter” than those … Continue reading

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