Category Archives: California

My Water Conservation Plan For California (And America)

* Expel illegal aliens. * Expel the descendants of illegal aliens who aren’t super-productive. * Protect the border. * Place a $5,000 a year tax on non-productive citizens, encouraging them to move. * Expel third-world immigrants (unless super-productive). * Expel … Continue reading

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California, Texas Have Similar Demographics

Allan Wall writes: has repeatedly pointed out that the demographics of Texas are already quite similar to those of California. But Texas is Republican because whites vote heavily for the GOP (not quite as overwhelmingly as the Deep South … Continue reading

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The Rise In Lower-Level Crimes In CA

Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles Benny Forer says: So our State government surreptitiously passed a bill calling for a realignment of prisoners. Under this bill, many felons are minimally punished, if at all, for their crime. This realignment has … Continue reading

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A Guide To California’s Propositions

Benny, an Orthodox Jew, emails his list: I have been requested to provide a list on how I am voting on the Props and why….so here it is: A) Rule of thumb: I vote NO on propositions unless there’s a … Continue reading

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How Much Money Do Gas Stations Make On Gasoline?

A friend of mine owns a gas station. He says he makes two cents a gallon and that is the industry norm. He makes money selling nuts and soda and ice cream. Gas prices in California are down about 70 … Continue reading

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