Category Archives: California

CA’s Syphilis Boom

Soumya Karlamangla, Los Angeles Times, July 13, 2015 Part of a nationwide trend, cases of syphilis among women and newborns increased in the last two years in California and Los Angeles County, state officials said Monday. The annual number of … Continue reading

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LAT: It’s official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

Los Angeles Times: The demographic shift has been a long time coming. In 1970, the 2.4 million Latinos in California accounted for 12% of the population, while the 15.5 million whites in the state made up more than three-quarters of … Continue reading

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LAT: San Bernardino: Broken City

I’ve seen this story promoted on the for a few days but until now I’ve avoided reading it because I’m assuming that the fall of San Bernadino is largely a matter of changed racial demographics. For instance, there’s nothing … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail LA-SF

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’ve always puzzled over the Cult’s fascination with the choo-choo. For as long as I’ve been alive it has been the dream of progressives everywhere in America to cover the nation is train lines. It’s … Continue reading

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McFarland USA Greases The Skids For White Displacement

McFarland, California used to be a white town. Like much of America, it is now Mexican (92% Latino according to 2010 census). Why a white American would cheer for his country turning into an extension of Mexico is beyond me. … Continue reading

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