Category Archives: California

Steve Sailer: Best & Worst Small Cities

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve was just being modest about his home state by only showing the bottom 13. California actually claims all of the bottom 23, and 33 of the bottom 37 (that’s out of 1,268 total – … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘Four years of bankruptcy and three decades of a drug epidemic have left San Bernardino a ghost of its former industrial spirit. But not all of its residents have given up.’

LAT: “Our backyard evolved over something horrible, and that’s what I think is going to happen to this city.” Comments at LAT: * There’s nothing much wrong with these cities. The problem is the people. People are the problem. Not … Continue reading

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NorCal Vs SoCal

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I always feel like saying to the mainstream press, it’s the demographics, stupid. I could have written a better article just using about 5 sentences. Of course, that wouldn’t fill the space, but still. * … Continue reading

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Can California Be Saved?

Comment: “Victor Davis Hanson strikes me as someone who is stuck in a political no man’s land, somewhere between straight cuckservatism and soft nationalism. This is why his writings about his native and home state are such a maddening mix … Continue reading

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NorCal Vs SoCal

This essay reminds me of my own experience of California and the dramatic differences between the northern section of the state and the south. I associate Sacramento with depression and Los Angeles with hope. Dennis McDougal’s granddaughter Megan Cole writes: … Continue reading

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