Category Archives: Huma Abedin

The Weiner Story Won’t Go Down

Congressman Anthony Weiner is married to Huma Abedin, the Muslim former bodywoman of Hillary Clinton. What I get a big kick out of is that Anthony Weiner won’t say whether or not the crotch shot is of him. How many … Continue reading

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Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York apparently sent a photo of his private parts to this Journalism major in Seattle Gennette Cordova and his other 45,000 Twitter followers. Here’s what Weiner apparently tweeted, intending it to be private but sending … Continue reading

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Huma Abedin’s Family & Its Ties To Saudi Arabia

From Free Republic: Huma Abedin & Hillary Clinton May 6, 2000               Syed Zainul AbedinVARIATIONS: Syed, Sayed, Zainul, Zainal, Zaiunul, Abedin, Abed?n, etc     Huma Abedin’s father, Syed Zainul Abedin, was born in India, … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Muslim Assistant Huma Abedin Courted By Jewish Congressman

If Anthony Weiner is straight, then I see why he’d be interested in Huma. Check out the pictures. Here’s a report from Islamabad (PTI): A 32-year old beauty of Indian and Pakistani parentage, better known as US presidential hopeful … Continue reading

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My Traffic Has Gone Crazy

Every morning, I wake up and check my Adsense revenue. Normally it is around $1 at 7 a.m. This morning it was $39:42. I’m getting more than ten times my normal amount of traffic. Last hour I had 3,110 unique … Continue reading

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