Category Archives: Ann Coulter

Why Donald Trump Troubles The Republican Establishment

Ann Coulter writes: A majority of elected Republicans, their advisers, conservative magazines and newspapers are nothing but junior partners to the left. They go on TV and repeat prepackaged conventional wisdom, hoping to get at least a small ovation. Trump … Continue reading

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The Lessons Lost in the Aftermath of Ann Coulter’s F-Bomb

It increasingly looks like Ann Coulter is going to ride out this controversy. She’s getting support from some Jews. Susan Goldberg writes: For all of those folks outraged at Ann Coulter’s “f-ing Jews” Tweet during the last Republican debate, I … Continue reading

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Girly Boys At National Review Upset With Ann Coulter

David French writes: In condemning pandering, Coulter is using language that appeals to a microscopic slice of the Twitterverse that is obsessed with the notion that the GOP is full of so-called “cuckservatives” (short for “cuckolded conservative”). Who is a … Continue reading

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Numerous Outlets Are Writing Articles About JWR Possibly Dropping Ann Coulter’s Column must be enjoying its moment in the sun but whether or not the website runs Ann’s column has no significance. It won’t decrease Ann Coulter’s readership. From the Daily Beast: But the founder of Jewish World Review, an online … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter & Donald Trump

Ruthie Blum writes for The Jerusalem Post: It is no wonder that Coulter feels an affinity for Trump, who never admits he’s wrong and does not apologize for overstepping the bounds of bad taste. There is a reason they get … Continue reading

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