Category Archives: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: With amnesty, elites conspire against the middle class

New York Post: Controversial firebrand Ann Coulter’s new book, “Adios, America,” argues that fettered immigration is destroying the country by driving down the salaries of the middle class while increasing their tax burden. And it’s the elites on both sides … Continue reading

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Have Ann Coulter’s TV appearances diminished since her tweets about Jews?

I’ve always enjoyed Joseph Sobran’s writing though I disagree with many of his criticisms of Jews and the Jewish state. I am one of those crazy guys who believes that you often learn more from your critics than from your … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter – Vile Anti-Semite?

I have right-wing Orthodox friends who now refer to Ann Coulter as a “vile anti-Semite.” If someone as pro-Israel and pro-Jewish as Ann Coulter can get called a “vile anti-Semite” despite her many years of support for Jews and the … Continue reading

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Bigotry Sells?

Peter Beinart writes: Three days after Sept. 11, Ann Coulter proposed that America “invade their [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.” A week later, she mused that, “Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday To Ann Coulter!

Ann Coulter writes: For my best birthday gift this week, Donald Trump called for blocking Muslim immigration to the United States. If he throws in all immigration, it will be my merriest Christmas ever. By contrast, the eunuchs running against … Continue reading

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