Category Archives: Ann Coulter

ADL Condemns Ann Coulter

Why would anybody think Jews control the media? From the Washington Times: Ann Coulter is being vilified on social media after she accused GOP presidential candidates of pandering to “f–ing Jews” during Thursday night’s CNN debate. “Cruz, Huckabee Rubio all … Continue reading

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Simon Wiesenthal Center Denounces Ann Coulter’s Anti-Semitic Presidential Debate Tweet

From “Ann Coulter asks, ‘How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?’ and then blithely dodges Fox News’ direct challenge of her gratuitous anti-Semitic slur.” “Disgusting,” charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of … Continue reading

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Is Ann Coulter Anti-Semitic?

John Derbyshire writes: A side story from Wednesday night’s GOP candidates’ debate—covered more thoroughly in the full Radio Derb posted today—was the fuss about Ann Coulter getting exasperated with all the candidates’ asseverations of solidarity with Israel and tweeting, “How … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter Calls Fury Over Jewish-Debate Tweet “Fake Outrage”: “I’m Pro-Israel”

Hollywood Reporter: “It’s totally fake outrage from frauds who want to continue the dump of third-worlders on the country, including Muslim Jihadists, and voted for the guy who just gave a nuke to Iran,” says the conservative pundit. Conservative pundit … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter & The Jews

Karol Markowicz writes for the Forward: Whether or not Ann meant to be insulting to Jews — the Anti-Defamation League called her comments “borderline anti-Semitic” — the fact is that Jews in America always have to straddle the line between … Continue reading

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