Category Archives: Politics

Cigarettes Are Good For You

A carton of cigarettes that doubles as a Christmas card. From back when America was free. –Mary Q. Contrarian

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Obama’s Anti-Exceptionalism: “Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now.”

Hugh Hewitt writes: Powerline’s JohnHinderaker notes Obama’s pratfall on the Russian rape of Georgia –comparing it to our invasion of Iraq– is just the latest in a string of gaffes, and John didn’t even know when he wrote it that … Continue reading

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Joe Biden – Foreign Policy Expert?

I keep hearing the news media refer to Joe Biden as a foreign policy expert. That’s hilarious. The guy is an airhead. He can’t stop talking and saying stupid stuff. I remember Brit Hume wrote an article about him for … Continue reading

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Sex Change Regret

 The NJG:  luke, check this out, people who regret having sex change therapy The NJG:  The NJG:  The NJG:  really interesting stuff The NJG:  I’m totally against sex changes, because it IS mutiliation, and, also, it is most … Continue reading

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The Sickening John Edwards Story

From the UK: Ken Layne, editor of the Washington DC gossip site, argues on AOL’s Political Machine that what he calls "the respectable press" is avoiding the Edwards story not just because the "unseemly" National Enquirer is the main … Continue reading

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