Category Archives: Politics

Top Five Issues Facing America

In my view, they are in order: * Those Muslims who want to murder Americans (from Iran to home-grown American terrorists) and destroy the American way of life and America’s role in the world as a fighter for freedom and … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories

About 10% of the traditional Orthodox Jews (not the Modern Orthodox) I’ve known are into conspiracy theories. Many of them follow Ron Paul and their primary concern about America is the Federal Reserve. They feel that the Bildeberg elite are … Continue reading

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Chess For Politicians

Joe emails: The last week or so has seen a quite enthralling game of chess between the Obama and Romney camps: The Obama camp’s main thrusts have been in three areas: 1. Class Warfare. The main mover for Obama, one … Continue reading

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Santa Monica’s Rash Of Burglaries

Binky, an actor from Britain now living in West Los Angeles, phones the Dennis Prager show today: “I want to talk about this sudden influx of burglaries in Santa Monica the past few months. I believe this is a direct … Continue reading

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Most Of The People Voting In GOP Primaries Are White

Ronald Brownstein writes: The conditions are converging for another presidential election that will sharply divide the country along racial lines, with troubling implications no matter which side prevails. From one direction, the Republican presidential primaries have witnessed an epic failure … Continue reading

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