Category Archives: Politics

93% of Democratic Senate or Governor Candidates Are White

From Red State: In total, the Democrats are running five non-white candidates, which is fewer than the number of white guys named “Mark” they are running (Senators Udall, Begich, Pryor and Warner, Governor Dayton, and gubernatorial candidate Schauer, all in … Continue reading

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Are Police Anti-Male?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Are black males disproportionately involved [in crime]? “All we’re told is how many black men are in prison. Are they in prison because they are black or because they committed a crime?” … Continue reading

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Republicans Are Increasingly The Party Of White People

From The Fix: “In 1980 white Democrats dominated white Republicans numerically,” Abrajano argues. “As immigration’s impact on America has grown, whites have fled to the Republican party in ever larger numbers. The end result is that the principal partisan choice … Continue reading

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That’s Disgusting!

Many of my political positions are based primarily on disgust. Gay marriage, for instance, I find disgusting. I don’t find gays qua gays disgusting, but when they push homosexuality in my face, when they insist on publicly celebrating it and … Continue reading

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The Thru-Line From National Review To Revilo Oliver To William Pierce

Robert S. Griffin writes in his biography of William Pierce: Revilo Oliver was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society and wrote a number of pieces for William Buckley’s magazine National Review in its early years. Oliver … Continue reading

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