Category Archives: Politics

Can You Spot The Diversity?

Heartiste: Vox, as you may or may not know, is a seething pit of anti-badwhite “anti-racism” Judeo-Christian hatred. If there’s a Dindu Nuffin or a Gentle Giant or a make-believe rape culture victim who can be exploited to slander normal, … Continue reading

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Different Groups Have Different Interests

If you are appealing to a liberal audience, it makes sense to call your opponent an “Orthodox Jew.” Orthodox Jews are not know as liberal-friendly. It makes sense to me to identify your opponents identity, whether it is WASP, Jewish, … Continue reading

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John J. Mearsheimer & Anti-Semitism

University of Chicago political scientist John J. Mearsheimer is widely derided as an “anti-Semite”, a characterization I do not accept. What I find fascinating is that 15 years before he got into trouble with the Jews for his 2007 book … Continue reading

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Nature & Nurture

From comments to John Derbyshire: * Statistically speaking, if I am recalling correctly, differences in our personality and behavioral traits appear to be explained roughly one half genetically (i.e., our individual DNA profiles at conception), one quarter congenitally (i.e., our … Continue reading

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Why Did Conservatism Inc (National Review et al) Move Left?

From comments to Paul Gottfried: * I’ve noticed that how influential any given ideas are tends to have a lot to do with how much money is promoting them. There was Big Money behind Jaffa, just as there is Big … Continue reading

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