Category Archives: Adultery

Rielle Hunter Negotiating For A Major Network Interview?

From RadarOnline: Hunter has been receiving $15,000 a month in hush money from a "wealthy colleague" of Edwards who is closely tied to his campaign. Oh, and about the alleged baby (well, Edwards’ alleged baby; we’re pretty sure she’s a … Continue reading

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More Layoffs, Please XVIII

Mickey Kaus writes: The Enquirer has indeed already moved on to the Edwards "coverup." Their latest issue alleges: John Edwards’ mistress, Rielle Hunter – the mother of his "love child" – has been secretly receiv­ing $15,000 a month as part … Continue reading

Posted in Adultery, John Edwards, Los Angeles Times, Mickey Kaus | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on More Layoffs, Please XVIII

Obama’s VP List Gets Shorter

From the Charlotte Observer: Or, as an Opinion blog on the L.A. Times web site said Wednesday, “Barack Obama’s VP shortlist might have gotten shorter.” Don Fowler of Columbia, a former Democratic National Chairman, agreed. "Any kind of report like … Continue reading

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Sleaze Stops Edwards From VP Possibility

From the Times of London: SCRATCH John Edwards off the list of potential vice-presidential candidates. The former White House contender, who had been hoping to get the nod from Barack Obama, is in the midst of a full-blown sex scandal. … Continue reading

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How Long Can The MSM Ignore The John Edwards Love Child Story?

Former New York Times reporter Sharon Waxman blogs: It’s hard out there for an ex-candidate, and for the newspapers who cover them. Take today’s explosive story, so far untouched by The New York Times, Washington Post or Los Angeles Times … Continue reading

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