Category Archives: Adultery

No Wonder Newspapers Are Dying

Tom Bernis writes: LONDON (MarketWatch) — The scandal over former Sen. John Edwards’ alleged fathering of a love child is rapidly being surpassed by a greater travesty — not one single major media organization in the U.S is covering the … Continue reading

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John Edwards With Love Child

From the National Enquirer: The NATIONAL ENQUIRER is releasing the photograph that the world has been waiting for – the first-ever picture of John Edwards and his love child!   The stunning “spy photo” shows the former presidential contender holding … Continue reading

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Why Write About The John Edwards Scandal?

Mickey Kaus blogs: Here’s a short clip-‘n’-save response to those (including many friends) who argue the Edwards scandal shouldn’t be pursued–or at least pursued too vigorously– even if it is true:** 1. No"private citizen": Edwards was certainly a contender for … Continue reading

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Mid-Level Players In MSM Touch John Edwards Love Child Story

Mickey Kaus writes: Rebellious nibbling from mid-rank players who are harder to coopt than the New York and Washington elites: North Carolina News & Oberver : "Facing Questions, Edwards Evades Reporters" … On Wednesday, Edwards apparently ducked out a side … Continue reading

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The Sickening John Edwards Story

From the UK: Ken Layne, editor of the Washington DC gossip site, argues on AOL’s Political Machine that what he calls "the respectable press" is avoiding the Edwards story not just because the "unseemly" National Enquirer is the main … Continue reading

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