Category Archives: Health

WP: Ebola’s lessons, painfully learned at great cost in dollars and human lives

The Washington Post misses the most important lesson of Ebola and AIDS and gonorrhea and the like — stupid people do stupid things and the more stupid people you let into your country, the more stupid the results. WP reports: … Continue reading

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Health Problems By Race

Jared Taylor writes in White Identity: “Eighty percent of black women are overweight or obese. During the period 2006 to 2008, blacks were 51% more likely than whites to be obese and Hispanics were 21% more likely. The CDC found … Continue reading

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The Arrival Of Race-Based Medicine

Would it be better to let people die rather than face up to the fact of very real genetic differences between the races? From Forbes: A flood of studies has emerged showing racial differences in how patients suffer from disease–or … Continue reading

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The Importance Of Brain Size

Larger brains correlate with higher IQs. Brains in whites start getting smaller after age 25, in Asians after 35. Asians have larger brains, higher IQs and wider hips than do whites who in turn have larger brains and wider hips … Continue reading

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Controlled Portions

I ran into a friend on Shabbos who’s lost about 60 pounds since I first met him in 1994 and he’s kept the weight off for about a decade. I asked him how he did it. He started talking about … Continue reading

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