Category Archives: Dating

Who Do Some Men Marry Older Women?

Chateau Heartiste: The younger man was a beta male to the core. This is the explanation for 90% of younger man-older woman marriages. You take a lesser beta with little experience bedding women, add an older, sexually aggressive broad with … Continue reading

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The Old Turns Out To Be True

* LINK: Essentially, the common ideas about race up to about the mid-1950’s are all turning out to be true – I.Q., creativity, aggression, conformity, sexual differences and desire of non-whites for white females, etc. The next 20-30 years will … Continue reading

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Letters To A Secular Young Jewess Seeking A Shiduch

Jewess: I don’t understand Ivanka Trump’s Orthodox Judaism. Luke: It was a hurdle to marry. There are many paths to the one true God. Most people don’t care about truth like we do. J: Oh I know. What if I … Continue reading

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Highlights From Chateau Heartiste

From the great blog: * “Look, Secret Service always had a mystique about them. Looking good and being fit. Physical appearances mean something. Female director, whatever. She wasn’t attractive, she was overweight and [governmental and public affairs chief] Jane [Murphy] … Continue reading

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How To Reset Your Relationship

From Chateau Heartiste: 1. She asks you to fill her water glass with a whiney “i’m thirsty… and a wiggle of a raised glass” and you say “No thanks”. 2. She asks you to run downstairs and get her xxxx … Continue reading

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