Category Archives: Dating

Seduction Is The Weaving Of Lies

From the Chateau: Seduction is the masterful weaving of gossamer lies — manufactured drama purposefully designed to excite the female sensory system, in which both you and her are active and aware participants in the game. The logic of telling … Continue reading

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Women Prefer Dominant Men

From the Chateau: Chicks dig male power, and power is a catch-all word encompassing the variety of dominance displaying avenues that men pursue to attract women. Large men who can beat other men in fights are dominant. Captains of industry … Continue reading

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Leaving Her Better Than You Found Her? Not Likely

From the Chateau: It’s a common admonition from pickup artists that you should leave a girl better than you found her. I suppose mainstream PUAs (well, as mainstream as PUA gurus can get) say this to soften the perception that … Continue reading

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Feminist Gets Pumped And Dumped By PUA

From the Chateau: A masochistic reader (you’d have to be in love with your own pain to read any of the yeasty discharges fouling up Jizzabel) sent along this turgid confessional from a feminist who got banged out by a … Continue reading

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Men Will Man Up When Women Man Down

From the Chateau: Bill Bennett, former Secretary of Education and Drug Czar, correctly identifies and laments the declining fortunes of men… The data does not bode well for men. In 1970, men earned 60% of all college degrees. In 1980, … Continue reading

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