Category Archives: Japan

Jews Find East Asians More Of A Challenge Than The Goyim

Abraham Foxman writes: When the Anti-Defamation League conducted its unprecedented public opinion poll in the spring of 2014, in which we surveyed 100 countries and 53,100 individuals on their attitudes toward Jews, the most surprising finding was the one that … Continue reading

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Miss Universe Japan 2015 Is Half-Black

If I were Japanese, I would not necessarily be pleased by my country being represented by a woman who’s half-black. If I were Nigerian, I would not necessarily want my country represented by someone who’s half-Japanese. People have a right … Continue reading

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From 1991 San Francisco Examiner, The View From Japan: America’s Ethnic Achilles’ Heel

TOKYO – Americans are proud of their melting-pot heritage. But as blacks, Hispanics and Asians gradually come to outnumber whites, that ideal will fade. Like the Soviet Union today the United States will have to deal with contentious ethnic groups … Continue reading

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How Do Jews & The NYT Regard Japan?

Comment to Steve Sailer: * A single article that’s heavy on dubious statements and light on any evidence seems a bit flimsy to hang that assertion on. Japanese are pretty skeptical of immigration in general but the idea that they … Continue reading

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Jews admire the way Japan keeps out Muslims

Dr. Mordecai Kedar writes: Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to … Continue reading

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