Category Archives: Holocaust

Holocaust Museum Sees a U.S. Duty to Syrian Refugees

Chaim Amalek: “Jesus Christ, if there is one argument that the friends of Israel (which I assume includes the Holocaust Museum) need to avoid making, it is this one. Otherwise, the goyim might well ask why Israel is not accepting … Continue reading

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The Jewish Imperative To Help Syrian Refugees

Hugo Schwyzer writes on FB: In 1938, my Jewish grandparents fled Austria for England with my young father and his sister. The rest of the family perished in the Holoicaust. When war broke out in 1939 my grandfather was briefly … Continue reading

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Settler rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust

Whenever rabbis say that horrific events happened because of X, Y, Z sins, they look stupid, they make Judaism look stupid, and they make Jews look horrible. Diaspora rabbis are less likely to say such things because they live as … Continue reading

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Oh, wonderful, another “we can’t stop the flow Because Holocaust” essay

Rex Brynen is a professor of political science at McGill University: First, it is important to recognize there is a risk that a small number of extremists might infiltrate refugee flows. Advocates for generous asylum policies — of which I … Continue reading

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NYT: Anne Frank’s Diary Gains ‘Co-Author’ in Copyright Move

I am curious how substantial was Otto Frank’s role in writing and editing “Anne Frank’s Diary.” If it was substantial and the diary was sold to us as the work of a girl, were we defrauded? Perhaps more skepticism of … Continue reading

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