Category Archives: Hollywood

Rick Moses Live In Sherman Oaks May 1st

Rick Moses is performing live with his band including his son Adam at 8pm. Rick Moses, a TV and Movie Star (Hutch from General Hospital anyone?), Producer, Director, Writer and Performer will be performing songs from his latest work, the … Continue reading

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Brenda Dickson Homeless?

I had a lot of demanding emails from actress Brenda Dickson over the years. Now the Huffington Post reports: Former soap opera star Brenda Dickson claims she’s broke and homeless after being blacklisted by Hollywood producer William J. Bell. The … Continue reading

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My Desperate Credit Card Spending

“When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There’s no middle ground.” After partially recovering my health from six years of crippling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I moved to Los Angeles on March 31, 1994. I had … Continue reading

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Do Liberals Want Economic Growth?

In season two episode 20 of The West Wing, the Democratic president’s liberal staff are thrilled when CBO projections lower the predicted budget surplus. “We’re the first presidential administration in history to be happy about lower economic growth,” one says … Continue reading

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The Tree Of Life (2011)

I don’t know whether to love or to hate this 2011 movie. Because it kept my attention for every frame, I guess I have to side with love.

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