Category Archives: Hollywood

Hail Caesar

Comments to Steve Sailer: * So they actually made the Commies the bad guys? Hard to believe. Is this some kind of sea change? This is mainstream Hollywood, where the memo is that the various trans/gay/questioning/racial/ethnic/gender groups have been oppressed … Continue reading

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Old White Guys

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Don’t forget possible candidate Michael Bloomberg who will be 74 in another 8 days. Of the group, Trump is the only one who appears to be much younger than his actual age of 69. And, … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Jew On Top Of Glenn Beck’s Empire

The movement to diversify Hollywood is a movement to drive out Jews. Hollywood is a Jewish industry. Making it more diverse makes it less Jewish. It’s not whites who run Hollywood so much as Jews who run Hollywood. From the … Continue reading

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Living In Community

I don’t know any better system for creating community and in-group cohesion than Orthodox Judaism. I remember from my days as a WASP, there were many more boundaries. In traditional Jewish life, there’s a tremendous sense of being together. You’re … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: White Privilege or White Excellence?

From Steve Sailer: From the Washington Post right now: 13 times a white actor played someone who wasn’t whitePlay Video 2:54 The first example shown is Sir Alec Guinness as Prince Feisal in Lawrence of Arabia. Is that really the … Continue reading

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