Category Archives: Hollywood

Empire of the Sun

Steve Sailer writes: I thought Spielberg’s “Empire of the Sun” was the greatest movie of the 1980s. Spielberg auditioned hundreds looking for the best boy actor in Britain, and as of 2016 it seems pretty reasonable to think he found … Continue reading

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The Black Revival Of Family Feud

As America becomes more multicultural and less intelligent, it becomes more debased. The lowest common denominator takes over. When American culture was run by WASPs, it was more elevated. New York Post: The revival of the wholesome 1970s game show … Continue reading

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Who Runs This Town?

Comment: “You know who runs this town, don’t you?” “The Jews?” “The gay Jews!” Gary Shandling’s interview with Ricky Gervais is something special. I think that after that they cancelled Ricky’s interview show. * Shandling was a definite contender to … Continue reading

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Black Preacher – Movie Producer Devon Franklin Keeps The Sabbath

He sounds like an Orthodox Jew. From KPCC: You observe the Sabbath, meaning you don’t work from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. So what if there’s an issue on [a movie] set Friday night? Do you just not show up? … Continue reading

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Colombian actress faces backlash over remarks on Hollywood Jews and the Oscars

JPOST: A Colombian actress caused an uproar garnering accusations of anti-Semitism after insinuating on social media that her country’s nomination for best foreign film in the 2016 Academy Awards failed to win the Oscar because of the Jews of Hollywood. … Continue reading

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