Category Archives: Kashrut

Montefiore Hospital Whistleblower Advised To Hire A Bodyguard

New York mashgiach Robert Frank calls me Thursday evening. “Some of the workers said I should hire a bodyguard. People here are going to kill you if we get fired and they close the place down. Not direct threats. One … Continue reading

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Is The Purpose Of Religion To Aggrandize Yourself Or To Serve God?

That’s the question I think about when I look at Jewish Los Angeles. When the Orthodox Union puts its hashgacha (kosher certification) on toilet bowl cleanser and water, is that just for making money or is there a divine reason … Continue reading

Posted in Kashrut, Orthodoxy, R. David Rue, R. Gershon Bess, R. Yehuda Bukspan, RCC | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Is The Purpose Of Religion To Aggrandize Yourself Or To Serve God?

New York Mashgiach Robert Frank Says He’s Received Death Threats

Last week, mashgiach Robert Frank told me that the Orthodox Union, in his experience, was indifferent to kashrut supervision. They were just in it for the money. Monday evening, Robert calls. "I think the Orthodox Union is getting pretty nervous," … Continue reading

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How Did Kashrut Become So Sexy?

Twenty years ago, if you met a mashgiach, you assumed he was not smart enough to be a rabbi. Working in kashrut certification was a low-paying, unprestigious job. Now it is a power center. It is a money-maker. The RCC … Continue reading

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New York Mashgiach Says Orthodox Union Only Interested In Making Money, Not In Policing Kashrut

According to Wikipedia: "In Judaism, a Mashgiach (Hebrew: ?????, pl. ???????, mashgichim) is a person who supervises the kashrut status of a kosher establishment." Thursday evening, Robert Frank, a New York mashgiach, emailed me: "Dear Mr. Ford, I would like … Continue reading

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