Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

What Ails Hillary?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * As far as the nature of Clinton’s affliction, I’m torn between three choices: 1) Something cardiac related. The fainting sort of makes sense with this, and some think Hillary is wearing a defibrillator vest or … Continue reading

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Google Hides Popular Hillary Clinton Health Searches

Google has done everything it thought it could get away with to hide meaningful results for searches about Hillary Clinton’s health. All of the major tech companies are all in for her and they must be held accountable. They are … Continue reading

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CNN’s Stelter fails with partisan reporting on Clinton’s health

Joe Concha writes for The Hill: Sunday was an active news day well outside of coverage of the 15th anniversary of 9/11: Clinton left a ceremony at Ground Zero early. And Fox News’s Rick Leventhal — as solid a news … Continue reading

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What Happened To Hillary?

An internist writes to Rod Dreher: The most likely diagnosis – in my mind – an acute cardiac arrhythmia – either ventricular tachycardia – or more likely atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. A FIB with RVR is very … Continue reading

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The New Yorker

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