Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

Deplorable Pneumonia

Scott Adams writes: When Hillary Clinton called half of Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables,” I said it would not move the polls more than 1%. My thinking is that we have three types of voters: 1. The Deplorables – … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Hillary Loses Balance At 9/11 Memorial’

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How a smartphone camera changed the discussion on Clinton’s health

The Hill: The Clinton campaign almost got away with it. On Sunday at a 9/11 ceremony marking 15 years since the attacks, Hillary Clinton wasn’t feeling well to the point she had to make an early exit. Her handlers obviously … Continue reading

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Mickey Kaus: #HillarysHealth already no longer trending?

Mickey tweets: Sure. Everyone trusts @Twitter. #AllHandsOnDeck Responses: * @twitter It actually never even trended. At what point do we just call it “State Run Media?” * It only trended for a couple hours. Came up late then ended quickly. … Continue reading

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Is this Hillary’s undercover nurse? Pictures show mystery woman appearing to check Clinton’s pulse as she clutches her heart before her collapse at 9/11 memorial

I love it how the American media describe Hillary’s Sunday collapse as a “stumble.” The British papers have better coverage. Daily Mail: Photos showing a mysterious woman appearing to check Hillary Clinton’s pulse just before she collapsed Sunday have sparked … Continue reading

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