Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

The Media’s War On Noticing

Steve Sailer writes: It has been a fun week for everybody (except Hillary Clinton) since my last column began by asking: If Donald Trump were as bad as she says, shouldn’t Hillary drop out so a better candidate could beat … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Attack Dog David Brock Bears Scrutiny

Daily Caller: For a journalist actually interested in seeking the truth, there are plenty of questions to ask Brock. In a legal fight that the press has conveniently ignored, Brock’s former long-time live-in boyfriend William Grey (whom Brock has thanked … Continue reading

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Clinton team avoided ER to conceal details of her medical treatment

Comment: “Everyone had it but it’s not contagious. Gotcha.” “Hillary was surrounded by germs (no wonder she had pneumonia!), but she wasn’t going to pass them on to her grandkids or the little photo-op flower girl (not that kind of … Continue reading

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Got Pneumonia?

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Remarkable Predictions About Hillary’s Health

From Scott Adams: In a blog post I wrote on December 27th, 2015, I said this… Bonus Thought 1: One of the skills a hypnotist has to master is reading people’s inner thoughts based on their body language. That’s a … Continue reading

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