Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

One Reason Hillary Hates Trump

From the Chateau: Policy disagreements rarely inspire the kind of primal hate that revulsion on a deep psychological level inspires. Thecunt’s hate for Trump — and it is a real hate — issues from the latter. Reader Ironpusher provides the … Continue reading

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What Is Hillary’s Health Problem?

From American Thinker: Other doctors have also pointed out how the photo-op undercut the “pneumonia” explanation. “I’m feeling great,” Hillary said three times, not something a pneumonia patient is likely to exclaim. 4. Apart from a case of “mild non-contagious … Continue reading

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Sociopath alert: Hillary Clinton

From the blog Just Not Said: For a long time, I thought Hillary Clinton a normal person who had been corrupted by her proximity to her sociopathic husband and by having been given so much power. (Power does have a … Continue reading

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Hillary Wonders Why She Isn’t 50 Points Ahead

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Suggested line for Hillary’s nest speech: “I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.” Have you watched those video compilations of Jeb’s saddest moments on YouTube? I look forward to similar … Continue reading

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Clinton’s eyes — a window into her health issues

A Texas doctor writes for The Hill: In 2014 Conan O’Brien did a spoof of Hillary Clinton’s interview with Diane Sawyer about her lack of lingering health issues following her 2012 concussion. In an obviously photoshopped version Clinton’s eyes are … Continue reading

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