Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

Who’s Loving Hillary?

Mickey Kaus writes: "New Clinton ad: "Hillary’s mom lives with her." But does her husband? Mickey’s Assignment Desk: Has anybody updated Patrick Healy’s May, 2006 story and calculated the number of days Bill Clinton has spent in Hillary’s Washington, D.C. … Continue reading

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Does Our Looks-Obsessed Culture Want to Stare at an Aging Woman?

Rush Limbaugh says on his radio show: Now, this theory of mine based on this Drudge picture of Mrs. Clinton, with the headline: "The Toll of a Campaign."  Now, it could well be that that’s a sympathy photo, too, to … Continue reading

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Vote Hillary: She Thinks You’re An Idiot

David Weigel writes for Reason: Everyone was wondering how Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign would act if it started falling behind in the polls, and yesterday we got an answer: It would act completely ridiculous. The gist is that Hillary Clinton … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Lesbian Rumors

Jim Miller writes: Would it make a difference, politically, if it were widely believed?  Probably.  But not necessarily.  When Linda Chavez tried to use Barbara Mikulski’s affair with an Australian lesbian against her in the 1986 senate election, she had … Continue reading

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The Big Clinton Story

Bill Robinson writes: I’ve just spent two weeks traveling and speaking with media elites in L.A., Chicago, NYC, and D.C. and among other things, I was repeatedly told that The New York Times and The L.A. Times are "sitting on … Continue reading

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