Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

‘Bernie isn’t looking on disapprovingly – he’s just standing in line…’

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Steve Sailer: Hillary Denounces Bill’s Golf Club as “a Case Study in Ripping Off the Little Guy”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I can’t figure out which would make a better skit. Hillary & Hussein steadfastly proclaiming how difficult it is to untangle the Dallas shooter’s motives, while in the background he tries every trick in the … Continue reading

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Hillary PR Team: ‘The important thing to remember is that *particular* BLM protest was totally peaceful right up until black power activists opened fire.’

From the Hillary PR Team on Twitter: * Rage is understandable, but we CANNOT meet the evil of police officers enforcing laws with the evil of shooting police officers from ambush. * We must recognize that Johnson was not a … Continue reading

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Lightning Rod Pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC Is Mostly Backed by Jewish Donors

Forward, Feb. 12, 2016: The largest super PAC backing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race is turning its fire on rival Bernie Sanders — and it’s doing it with Jewish money. At least eight of the top 12 donors … Continue reading

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FBI Recommends No Charges Should Be Filed Against Hillary Clinton

Comments at Steve Sailer: * FBI Director Coomey delivered a measured indictment of Hillary’s incompetence, without recommending an indictment. He actually said that in many cases this type of activity would result in sanctions or have other consequences. But that’s … Continue reading

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