Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

What is Donald Trump’s favorite drink? White Russian. What’s Hillary’s? Black Mule.

@OldRowOfficial 30 minutes into deleting emails and chill when you get this look — keeg (@raunchyusername) July 29, 2016 That face you make when you know you got ripped off & then sold out. #ImWithHer #DemsInPhilly — LatinoPATRIOTS2016 … Continue reading

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Hillary PR Team – On Message For Her!

From Twitter: There's NO NEED for the public to read these #DNCLeaks. We're conducting an internal investigation of our own and will report all findings. — Hillary PR Team (@OnMessageForHer) July 23, 2016 We believe Russia may be behind the … Continue reading

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Clinton’s VP

Scott Adams blogs: For context, consider Trump’s VP running mate, Mike Pence. He’s the perfect choice for Trump because of the contrast it creates. If you started with Trump and removed everything interesting about him, you’d have Pence. Visually, Pence … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Volunteer Auxiliary Thought Police

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The linked-to article explains something I was wondering about: “Super PACs are typically prohibited from working in tandem with candidates, but Correct the Record is doing just that by exploiting a loophole in campaign finance … Continue reading

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KM: ‘Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term; Sounds like a Trump attack ad.’

Breitbart: If elected president, Hillary Clinton could permanently resettle close to one million Muslim migrants during the first term of her presidency alone, according to the latest available data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Between 2001 and 2013, … Continue reading

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