Category Archives: Iran

Major Jewish Group Slams ‘Despicable’ New York Times Claim That Netanyahu Speech Asks Democrats to Choose Between Obama and Israel

From Major Jewish human rights group the Simon Wiesenthal Center expressed disgust at the New York Times on Wednesday for claiming that the debate over Iran’s nuclear program boils down to a question of loyalty to either President Obama … Continue reading

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America Should Stay Out Of The Middle East

Israel can look after itself. American Jews should get another hobby, perhaps Judaism, instead of lobbying on behalf of Israel. I would like an American foreign policy of resisting invasion of America (including by Mexicans) and abstaining from invasion of … Continue reading

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Israel Has The Most Powerful Military In The Middle East

It’s not even close. Yet on today’s Dennis Prager radio show, Charles Krauthammer said that the Kansas City Royals, who haven’t been to the playoffs in 29 years, make the “Israelis look like over-dogs.” Israelies are the over-dogs in the … Continue reading

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How Much Should We Fear Iran?

On the one hand, I think, what do we Jews get out of hyping the Iranian nuclear threat? Iran has not invaded a country or started a war in more than 200 years and has a much smaller military budget … Continue reading

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How Bright Are Iranians?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said about Islam: “Look at the primitive society that is made of one of the most cultured and brightest nations in the world, the Iranians.” The average Iranian IQ is 84. By contrast, … Continue reading

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