Category Archives: France

Why don’t the French bomb Belgium?

Rod Liddle writes: I am always open to spiritual guidance from any quarter, all the more so if that guidance is of practical import. So I was especially grateful to hear reports of a fatwa from the prominent Saudi Arabian … Continue reading

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French comic convicted in Belgium for anti-Semitic jokes

I am so glad to see Jewish groups in Europe leading the way to restrict speech and to send people to prison for jokes. REPORT: A Belgian court sentenced controversial French comedian Dieudonne M’bala M’bala on Wednesday to two months … Continue reading

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France: A Society Ripe for Submission

Quadrant: His imagining of an Islamic France is no simple provocation. Rather, this deep, gripping and haunting novel is a recent high-point for European fiction. No current writer gets anywhere near Houellebecq’s achievement in finding a fictional way into the … Continue reading

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The Left and the Attack on Paris

Dennis Prager writes Nov. 17, 2015: The left’s reactions to the terror attack on Paris are in keeping with its tradition of getting almost everything wrong. Take Bernie Sanders, for example. At the Democratic presidential debate, one day after the … Continue reading

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Hate Is As Natural As Love

From Heartiste: This is so sad, but not for the reasons ankle-biters think. A Frenchmanlet (you’ll understand the appellation in a minute), lost his wife, a fetching White woman, to the Muslim murderers in Paris, and now raises his infant … Continue reading

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