Category Archives: France

VDARE: French Jewish Leaders Condemn Le Pen, The Only Leader Likely To Protect Them From Muslims

From VDARE: To nobody’s surprise, and confirming the Open-Borders fix is in among Europe’s elites, France’s ruling Socialists and the potty-trained opposition led by former president Nicolas Sarkozy, now re-named (revealingly, to Americans?) The Republicans, joined forces to urge a … Continue reading

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Will France Vote For The National Front?

Steve Sailer writes: French history is currently speeding up, which ought to be of intense interest to American Republicans pondering whom to nominate in 2016. While many Americans enjoy engaging in lowbrow derision of France, the French traditionally value displays … Continue reading

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French Jews Line Up Against The National Front

I expect the National Front will get about 20% of the Jewish vote on Sunday. REPORT: The group representing half a million French Jews has called for “mass voting” against nationalist political party Front National following its wide wins in … Continue reading

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The Religion Of Peace

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Terrorism tally in the West for one week: 1) The murder of 14 Americans in San Bernardino. 2) Muslim man stabs 3 people in London, screaming “This is for Syria!” 3) Jordanian immigrant to the … Continue reading

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France Starts Shutting Down Alternative Media

From Every time there’s a huge terrorist threat, the public gives up their freedoms for protection from the Government. And every time, our leaders use these new laws to destroy civil liberties. What happened to ordinary French people (and … Continue reading

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