Category Archives: Orthodoxy

When Orthodox Jews Are A Tourist Attraction

Baruch writes: Walking to shul on Shabbos afternoon for Mincha, through the 3rd and Highland intersection of Hancock Park, BCC spots a tour bus, with the tour guide pointing at BCC and other Orthodox Jews walking, and the tourists are … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Still Back Trump

A left-wing Orthodox Jew writes in the Forward: The Orthodox Union took two days to put out a statement in response to the weekend’s events. And when they finally got around to it, the statement danced around any mention of … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Uneasy Welcome as Ultra-Orthodox Jews Extend Beyond New York’

Why would there be unease over hundreds of Orthodox Jews moving into a neighborhood? Are you saying that different groups have different interests? That sounds unAmerican to me. New York Times: The influx, however, has provoked tensions with long-established residents, … Continue reading

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I had a Jewish girlfriend who was warned by cops in Los Angeles to keep her dog on a leash. When she thought they were gone, she let her dog off the leash. The police came back and wrote her … Continue reading

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How Benefits Fraud Scam Spread So Widely In Orthodox Town

Similar scams are going on in many Orthodox communities. There’s no connection, in my experience, between Jewish observance and honesty. In much of the world, the word “Jew” is synonymous with dishonesty in business. Judaism is a system of dual … Continue reading

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