Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Can A Cantor Appear On Broadway?

In his first lecture on R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinksi for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: Some people have a problem when you have chazzanim like Dudu Fisher who sings secular music. You can cite some rabbis … Continue reading

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What Influence Does Dennis Prager Have In Orthodox Judaism?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro tells me: “I don’t think he has any influence. I don’t ever see him quoted by Orthodox figures (although Rabbi Rakefet quotes a line from Prager a lot). He doesn’t speak in Orthodox shuls or write … Continue reading

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Israel’s Haredi Welfare State

In his first lecture on R. Joseph Mesas for Torah in Motion, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: The Talmud says explicitly that if you don’t work, if all you do is study, it will lead to thievery. “This society of … Continue reading

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Carrying On The Sabbath

In his second lecture on R. Joseph Mesas for Torah in Motion, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “If R. Joseph Mesas made his rulings in America, we’d think he was a Conservative rabbi.” “In Algeria in the 1920s, 1930s, the … Continue reading

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Modern Orthodox Demographics

In his fifth lecture on the Steipler for Torah in Motion, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: Modern Orthodox is larger than haredim. Modern is larger in Israel, about 20-25% of the population. The haredim are about 11%. The Modern are … Continue reading

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