Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Heshy Fried: Tznius and big boobs don’t mix

Sara Kohn: My taharat mishpacha teacher in high school used to talk about her minimizers and their effectiveness ad nauseum. Chaya Miriam Fried: Enter the “frummie slouch” Kalman Goldstein: Is that in Mislei or Pirke Avos?

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What Is The Shidduch Crisis?

Yermie Kurkus writes on FB: This Shidduch Crisis is more of a Social Crisis found amongst the Orthodox circles. It is men and women who do not know what they want. In the non-religious and non-Jewish world – dating is … Continue reading

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Would You Invite Amalek To Your Shabbos Table?

A frum friend just invited me to bring Chaim Amalek to Shabbos lunch. I said he’ll come for dessert so long as the home is Amalek-friendly. Chaim Amalek: “Is the dessert uber-glatt Kosher? What are the midos and tznius of … Continue reading

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What’s The Intellectual Condition Of Orthodox Judaism?

Ezra Glinter writes for the Forward about Marc B. Shapiro’s new book Changing the Immutable: All this could make for a hearty polemic against the Orthodox scholars, publishers and editors who are more concerned with enforcing ideological conformity than with … Continue reading

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Orthodox Judaism’s Tortured Relationship with Facts

Frum Satire: Look, we’re not children anymore, let’s not pretend that Orthodoxy’s mesorah which goes back to Moshe Rabbainu is any less crooked than the Tail of the Dragon and let’s not pretend it doesn’t have a proportionately equal number … Continue reading

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