Category Archives: Orthodoxy

How Come Nobody Cries About Goy Flight?

Comments: “Blockbusting still happens in NJ. Lakewood is an Orthodox Jewish town with voting blocs big enough so that they, directed by their leaders, can swing close gubernatorial elections whichever way they want. It’s politically untouchable. And recently, after bankrupting … Continue reading

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I’m Sure The Community Will Engage In Deep Soul-Searching

News: Some residents in Spring Valley are expressing outrage after a black-faced doll with what appears to be dreadlocks was found hanging at a home during the Jewish holiday of Purim.

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An open letter to Donald Trump from Orthodox rabbis

LINK: The Orthodox Community Responds to Donald Trump at AIPAC March 18, 2016 Dear Mr. Trump: We are writing to you as you prepare to address the largest pro-Israel gathering in North America. We care deeply not only about America’s … Continue reading

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Critiquing Open Orthodoxy

Marc B. Shapiro writes: Those who follow Jewish debates on the internet have probably heard of Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, who has assumed the mantle of defender of the faith. He sees his goal as exposing the non-Orthodox nature of Open … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jewish Universalism

Alan Brill writes: The Mishnah (Sanhedrin 4:5) teaches the universal doctrine that God began humanity by creating an individual human being, Adam, “to teach that if anyone destroy a single soul from humankind, Scripture charges him as though he had … Continue reading

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