Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Do you have SADD (shul attention deficit disorder)?

From FrumSatire: You have read the shull announcement sheet 5 times, but still guard it against any folks who seek to borrow it; You hoard those torah email sheets from the OU and random places in Monsey so you have … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Paradox

Paul Shaviv (father of blogger Miriam Shaviv and director of the Hebrew Academy of Toronto) writes about Noah Feldman’s New York Times article: 7. The question of how to handle an embarrassing ‘b’dieved” situation – as happened at the now … Continue reading

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Stanford’s Eruv Controversy

From the “We look upon the eruv as a violation of our right to live in a spiritual environment of our own choice,” city resident Walton McMillan commented July 6 on the Palo Alto Weekly’s Web site, where debates … Continue reading

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RJA: ‘The NY Times War Against the Jews’

Robert J. Avrech writes: The New York Times ramps up its war against the Jews. This time they use the most time honored of methods: a formerly religious Jew, now an arch liberal, writes a seemingly scholarly, and dispassionate criticism … Continue reading

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Rashi, Rambam & The Baal Shem Tov

Robert J. Avrech blogs: My good friend Rabbi Berel Wein has produced a wonderful animated film about the life and times of Rashi. It was written by my high school buddy Jesse Cogan and directed by Ashley Lazarus, another close … Continue reading

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