Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Making Jewish Sexy

Tamar Fox writes for Jewcy: I spend a lot of time thinking about how one can make being Jewish look good.  Because the thing is, I’m always Jewish, and I’d like to be considered a cool girl, a woman with … Continue reading

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Failed Messiah: ‘If At First You Don’t Succeed, Sue the Victim’

Shmarya Rosenberg writes on A Chabad man serves as the hazzan of a Chabad synagogue. Several years ago, outside another synagogue after a community event, the Chabad hazzan sexually assaults a woman who is a member of the Chabad … Continue reading

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Shira Dicker (married to journalist Ari Goldman whose mother Judy was the sister of Mindy Lamm, Rabbi Norman’s sister) posts: I personally think that Maimonides’ decision to airbrush you out of their newsletter was pretty stupid. But you shouldn’t have … Continue reading

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Modern Orthodox – The Play

According to the Jewish Journal: July 31-September 2 What happens when a secular Jewish couple living on the Upper West Side collides with an Orthodox diamond dealer from Brooklyn? Head to Beverly Hills to find out, where the West Coast … Continue reading

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Annulling A Conversion

From the Jerusalem Post: In February, Ashdod Rabbinic Court judge Rabbi Avraham Atia issued a ruling that shocked many outside the rabbinic establishment. Basing his verdict on the fact that a woman who came to him seeking to divorce her … Continue reading

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