Category Archives: Orthodoxy

From Dallas Cowboy To Orthodox Jew

Barry Horn writes: Schneur Kaplan is the Fort Lauderdale rabbi who shepherded Mr. Veingrad’s metamorphosis from Alan to Shlomo. It was Rabbi Kaplan who began calling Mr. Veingrad by the Hebrew name that he was given at birth and then … Continue reading

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Chumra Of The Month

Matthew writes: You can keep track of the strength and potential danger of black hat orthodox judaism by what "chumras" they are advocating. A chumra is, roughly defined, as a "stringency." For instance, Adam told Eve that she could not … Continue reading

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Congregational Singing

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Certain sections of the prayer service are commonly sung by the congregation but there are two main ways in which this singing takes place: 1) the Beis Medrash style and 2) the Young Israel style. In … Continue reading

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Pacific Jewish Center Seeks New Rabbi

The Venice shul looking for someone modern and dynamic who will do outreach and attract new members (a la rabbis Daniel and David Lapin, their previous rabbis). The past rabbi, Geiger, was more staid. Wilshire Boulevard Temple (Reform in Korea … Continue reading

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Who took the modern out of Modern Orthodoxy?

Ben Atlas writes on On the subject of the upheaval on Hirhurim. Enough have been said about the Modern Orthodoxy trending right. But specifically about the vitriol, fundamentalism and intolerance evidenced in the conversations. Big part of the YU … Continue reading

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