Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Living Together, Working Together

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: Jonathan Rosenblum previously speculated in these pages that there are advantages to people living in religiously mixed neighborhoods. Another CC contributor, Rabbi Emmanuel Feldman, made the same point earlier this week in the Jerusalem Post. Here … Continue reading

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Perhaps Fear Of Blogs Will Deter Those Who Fear Not God?

Yossi Ginzberg responds to Rabbi Avi Shafran’s blast against blogs: Yes, all true, but… “If not for the fear (of government sanction) men would eat each other alive” (Avos). By censoring scandals out of the “frum” media, by forcing “Panim … Continue reading

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Rabbi Avi Shafran: Blogs “Evil,” “Infested,” “Close on the Heels of the Swindlers and Pornographers”

From YeshivaWorld (via FailedMessiah, see this related post of mine): There was a time, not terribly long ago, when disturbed individuals bent on broadcasting angry fantasies had only soapboxes in public parks from which to rant. And respectable people knew, … Continue reading

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Scholarly Abuse

Marvin Schick writes in The Jewish Week: While reading and reviewing two years ago a dreadful book on chassidic life, I came across a footnote citing a remarkably high incidence of sexual abuse among Orthodox Jewish women. The source was … Continue reading

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From is the only site geared exclusively for featuring all forms of Intimate Frum Indulgences for those that are in search of similar minded individuals searching for the same type of intimate activities. We cater to the frum … Continue reading

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