Category Archives: Orthodoxy

It’s About Standards

Rabbi Yaakov Menken writes: I was as surprised as anyone to see “Gentile Lubavitcher refused conversion” in the Jerusalem Post. While it may be true that the belief that a deceased individual is the Messiah is foreign to normative Judaism, … Continue reading

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Too Much Information

Rabbi Yaakov Menken’s is a gorgeous blog. I’m relaxing with it Sunday evening after a day in which I had the TV on for eight hours so I could watch football with the sound off while simultaneously listening to … Continue reading

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A Nation Under God: Jews, Christians, and the American Public Square by R. Meir Soloveichik

Rabbi Gil Student blogs: There is a blockbuster new issue of The Torah U-Madda Journal with some fascinating articles. The entire issue is available online for download (link): "Mah Enosh": Reflections of the Relation between Judaism and Humanism by R. … Continue reading

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Spinka Rav In Town

I heard that the Spinka rav Naftali Tzi Weisz, after being released on bond erev shabbos stayed in Los Angeles. At Young Israel of Century City, Rabbi Elazar Muskin made an impassioned speech condemning this public desecration of G-d’s name. … Continue reading

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Idea of McCain-Lieberman ticket is the buzz at Orthodox parley

Sue Fishkoff writes: Radio host Michael Medved, a hardcore Republican, and political scientist David Luchins, former adviser to the late U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), disagree on just about everything related to the presidential race. Except the idea of … Continue reading

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