Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Report: Los Angeles measles outbreak centers on Orthodox Jewish community

My anecdotal impression is that many traditional Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles do not get vaccinated for measles etc. REPORT: A measles outbreak in Los Angeles County, California, is centered on the Orthodox Jewish community, according to reports. Some 20 … Continue reading

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R. Hershel Schachter, Gedolim, Rachel Morpurgo, and More

Marc B. Shapiro, history professor, writes: 1. In listening to a recent shiur[1] on Daas Torah by R. Hershel Schachter, I found a number of noteworthy comments. In this shiur, which has been heard thousands of times, R. Schachter states, … Continue reading

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An Orthodox Lesbian Character

An Orthodox lesbian character — and other reasons to watch ‘Younger’ @YoungerTV — JTA | Jewish news (@JTAnews) November 25, 2016

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Orthodox Jews, The Simon Wiesenthal Center & The Platinum Hedge Fund Fiasco

Comment: “You should read up on the Platinum hedge fund fiasco in NY. A tight knit group of Orthodox got together to do a poor man’s Madoff and AIG, got caught paying off the black head of the Riker’s jail … Continue reading

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The white flight of Derek Black

Washington Post: Matthew Stevenson had started hosting weekly Shabbat dinners at his campus apartment shortly after enrolling in New College in 2010. He was the only Orthodox Jew at a school with little Jewish infrastructure, so he began cooking for … Continue reading

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