Category Archives: Terror

A UCLA scientist targeted by animal rights militants defends her research on addiction and the brain

Edythe London writes: For years, I have watched with growing concern as my UCLA colleagues have been subjected to increasing harassment, violence and threats by animal rights extremists. In the last 15 months, these attempts at intimidation have included the … Continue reading

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The Kingdom Breaks Through the (Smoke) Screen

Stephen Suleyman Schwartz writes for Jewcy: The Kingdom, still playing in major movie houses, may be the most important recent contribution to the public discussion of U.S.-Saudi relations. Surprisingly and even hearteningly for those who follow developments in the desert … Continue reading

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The Al Qaeda Reader

Raymond Ibrahim spoke (Video) to the David Horowitz Freedom Foundation Tuesday night on his new book, "The Al Qaeda Reader." Audio Michael Finch’s Intro Video Before the speech, a woman came up to me to discuss my recent appearance on … Continue reading

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Europeans heighten threat levels

From Reuters: The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” … Continue reading

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Attention Authors: Be afraid, very afraid…. especially if you write about the Saudis and their support of terrorism

Deborah E. Lipstadt blogs: Whenever David Irving’s libel case against me comes up someone inevitably asks: How could he sue you in the UK? I explain that my book was bought and published by Penguin UK and therefore he could … Continue reading

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