Category Archives: Economics

NYT: ‘In Hopeful Sign, Health Spending Is Flattening Out’

Why is it a hopeful sign? What’s so great about people spending less money on healthcare? I guess the Left knows the proper amount that people should spend on healthcare and will try to legislate it. I want people to … Continue reading

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If You Won’t Let The Free Market Work, You’ll Have To Wait In Line

The New York Times reports today: New York has been among the most aggressive states in trying to protect homeowners from foreclosure, granting new legal protections and turning courts across the state into teeming negotiation centers working to keep people … Continue reading

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Best Buy Heads For Bankruptcy

I went to Best Buy on Pico Blvd last Wednesday and the customer service, when I was able to flag a reluctant employee, was shoddy at best. The employees rarely seem educated or enthusiastic, much like the folks I remember … Continue reading

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Who’s To Blame For The Housing Crash?

Dennis Prager recommends these three books: Architects of Ruin: How big government liberals wrecked the global economy—and how they will do it again if no one stops them by Peter Schweizer, Paul Sperry’s The Great American Bank Robbery: The Unauthorized … Continue reading

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Preparing For Tough Times

“You’re doing three smart things,” a secular Jew told me this week. “You’ve joined a tight community (Orthodox Judaism) where people help each other. You’ve learned a skill (teaching Alexander Technique) that you can make money from anywhere. And you’ve … Continue reading

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