Category Archives: Economics

Economist Thomas Sowell Publishes New New Book – Economic Facts and Fallacies: Second Edition

Here’s the new book on Dr. Tom Sowell was on Dennis Prager’s radio show today. Dennis: “Are we headed towards Greece [style bankruptcy]?” Tom: “Yes.” “The debt ceiling has not limited debt. It provides political cover for presidents to … Continue reading

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Obama Has Produced The Worst Economic Recovery Ever

From IBD: There are 2 million fewer private-sector jobs now than when Obama was sworn in, and the unemployment rate is 1.5 percentage points higher. • There are now more long-term unemployed than at any time since the government started … Continue reading

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Blowing Through Your Inheritance

A Catholic priest who converted to Judaism said: “Teaching is a rewarding task, but in America a teacher is a long way down the community ladder. He has no prestige or vital influence. American Jews in particular find it difficult … Continue reading

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Reasons For The Texan Economic Boom

How is the real estate market different in Texas than in California? Well, much of California’s land, particularly by the coast, is off-limits to development. With less land available to develop, land prices in California have skyrocketed over the past … Continue reading

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Homeowners In Distress Get A Break

I fail to be heartbroken that millions of Americans bought more home than they could afford and that they are now struggling to stay in it. Why should I care about people’s bad financial decisions? Why is the decision to … Continue reading

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