Category Archives: Immigration

Let In One Paki, You Bring In Another 200 Through Family Reunification

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Once I ran across an Internet short that argued that if you let in one Pakistani, you let in over 200 after family unification. There is sense to that claim. I worked in the Middle … Continue reading

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Every Immigrant Without High School Degree Will Cost Taxpayers $640,000

Heritage Foundation: On Thursday, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will release its report on “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration.” According to the report, first generation immigrants as a group increase the nation’s fiscal deficit. In … Continue reading

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The Skittles Analogy For Muslim Immigrants

Skittles meme was a riff off of one of the crazy feminist memes. They used to get triggered when ppl said, "not all men." — Ricky Vaughn (@Ricky_Vaughn99) September 20, 2016 Here, have some skittles — Ricky Vaughn … Continue reading

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World must recommit to refugees: Jewish leader

What better time to lobby for America to take in more refugees than after a weekend that saw bombs go off in New York and New Jersey and a mass stabbing in Minnesota. If you found your bedroom was filled … Continue reading

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Do Immigrants Import Their Economic Destiny?

By Garett Jones Why do some countries have relatively liberal, pro-market institutions while others are plagued by corruption, statism, and incompetence? Three lines of research point the way to a substantial answer: The Deep Roots literature on how ancestry predicts … Continue reading

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