Category Archives: Immigration

“Not Sending Their Best”: World Map of IQ Drop Due to Immigration

Article Average IQ across world:

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Jewish Journal: “Stephen Miller, Meet Your Immigrant Great-grandfather”

Steve Sailer writes: “In other words, the editor-in-chief of TRIBE Media Corp. is baffled by why Stephen Miller doesn’t hold petty grudges against his fellow Americans for slights that are now four generations old.” Comments: * Sir, regret to inform … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Trump Already Lessening Illegal Immigration

Los Angeles (AFP) – When would-be immigrants Bernardino and Samuel got word in Mexico of the election of Donald Trump, they immediately gave up their plans to cross illegally into the United States. … Bernardino, a 34-year-old Honduran who declined … Continue reading

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NYT: “Families Don’t Have Borders”

.@tabletmag on @HIASrefugees-inspired @CBEBK #sukkah designed to draw attention to plight of #refugees #Sukkot2016 — West End Strategy (@WestEndStrategy) October 21, 2016 My alma mater @Georgetown does it best! Have you seen the amazing @HIASrefugees-inspired #Sukkah at @CBEBK focused … Continue reading

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Are U.S. Jewish Organizations Hypocrites on Immigration?

I tackled this topic here. Allison Kaplan Sommer wrote for Haaretz in 2012: While the violence was condemned, organizations have stayed away from the hot button of Israel’s immigration policies, even as it has moved into active mass deportation of … Continue reading

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