Category Archives: Immigration

Jewish Federation Of Los Angeles: ‘Our Commitment to Immigration and Resettlement’

I wonder if they are similarly committed to resettling Palestinians in Israel? Or is it only goyisha states they want to ruin? Jay Sanderson sent out this email blast: I returned this week from an incredibly meaningful trip to Hungary … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigrants Overwhelm Our Health System & Social Services

Comments at Steve Sailer: * “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” – Al Bartlett One thing that’s so frustrating about the immigration debate is how proponents of open borders can’t or … Continue reading

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1,500 rabbis sign letter calling on Trump administration to support refugees

Would they recommend that Israel take in people who hate it? (JTA) — More than 1,500 U.S. rabbis signed a letter calling on the incoming Trump administration to maintain the federal refugee resettlement program. HIAS, a global Jewish nonprofit that … Continue reading

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Birth Tourism: Nobody in Power Is Serious About It

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The United States is just not a serious country anymore. This shouldn’t even be a difficult issue–children born to foreign diplomats on U.S. “soil” are not American citizens, so why should children born to foreigners … Continue reading

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‘As Brexit and the rise of Trump have already shown, we are living in an age of miracles.’

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Towards the end of his oped, he mentions how important high skilled immigrants like medical doctors are. I live in a town the SF bay area, where a majority of Docs are from India. The … Continue reading

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