Category Archives: Immigration

Haaretz: ‘Israeli Experts Fear Invasion of Yellow Crazy Ant That Wreaks Havoc on Crops’

Should not people and civilizations have the same fear of invasion from those different from themselves? Does not the category of “invasive species” apply to people as well? For example, why would non-Muslims welcome an influx of Muslims or why … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘How a Montana county became a stage for the national debate over refugees’

Los Angeles Times article: To him, being a Presbyterian meant a life of public service and openness to other cultures. Back in Long Island, he sat on a refugee council at his church and once housed a Vietnamese refugee and … Continue reading

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L.A. rabbis arrested at ICE protest

Jewish Journal: Several area rabbis were among more than 30 protesters arrested April 13 in downtown Los Angeles for an act of civil disobedience to call attention to the treatment of undocumented immigrants. The group was taken away after blocking … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Visits Japan, Asks Why Crime Is Low: “Because We Don’t Allow Immigration.”

Paul Nachman writes: Conservative columnist and talk-radio host Dennis Prager has attracted attention here at a number of times. Most recently, I pointed out that Prager—who is Jewish and takes his religion seriously—has said (with dismay), “Of course there’s … Continue reading

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Why Do American Jews Want Thousands of Jew Haters in America?

Dennis Prager writes: Last week, the Jerusalem Post and other news agencies reported that in a Paris suburb, two Jewish brothers wearing kippot (Jewish skullcaps) were attacked while driving their car by Middle Easterners driving another car. According to a … Continue reading

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